Check Zionist Product

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This is a Zionist Product

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Why you need to boycott Zionist products?

About 150 years ago few Jews people (business men) founded Zionist organization. The main goal of the organization was to build a Jews state.

To achieve their goal they wanted to control the Finance, Media and Military of the world. They have tried to do that from the Germany (from Europe). But they have fail once Hitler knew their plan. So they started using their controlled media and finance against Hitler and Germany.

Which lead to World War 2 and killed billion of people world wide. If we see they actual reason of WW2, it was Zionist who started it first and forced Hitler.

Look at current situation in Middle East, Once they (Zionist) have no place to stay in the World, Palestine gave them space to stay their land, but they (Zionist) forcedly build Israel in Palestinian land. More than 70 years they are killing Palestinian Muslim and Christen. They do not care about children, women, elders. Killing everyone whoever they want.

Here also same like before WW2, they (Zionist) are using their Money (World Bank, IMF, BlackRock, Vanguard etc) and Media (Print, Electronic and Social Media) to manipulate they World. But unlike WW2, now they control military block NATO, the USA, the UK and other Westman countries military
